Agent Intel

Production data you actually know what to do with

Be the smartest person in the room with a searchable production database and real-time activity alerts that tell you which agents to target, when to reach out, and who your biggest competitors are.

Identify, engage, and protect your referral partners in any market

Identify key opportunities to extract more business from existing referral partners and discover new relationships in your market

Engage with your agent network and build rapport by reacting to real-time activity alerts and sending personalized listing materials with just one click

Protect your pipeline and increase wallet share with easily filterable production data for agents and competitors to surface opportunities for expansion

Make your competitors sweat with Agent Intel's real-time alerts

    Data Intelligence

    Power your business with a proactive, data-driven game plan
    Agent Production Data
    Keep tabs on your existing wallet share while prospecting for potential referral partners using our searchable agent production database.
    Loan Originator Transaction Data
    Monitor your competition or recruit new talent with detailed loan originator data that provides instant visibility into the competitive landscape

    Trigger-based alerts

    Never miss an opportunity with actionable activity alerts

    Competitor alerts - Reclaim your business by reaching out whenever agents you’ve worked with transact with a competing LO

    Prospect alerts - Follow and interact with recommended agents whose production profiles align with your existing agent network

    Open house alerts - Win favor with agents by sending relevant listing promotion materials as soon as their open house has been scheduled

    Connect alerts - Create new opportunities by using timely production insights to initiate conversation or invite agents to pair on ListReports®

    Social alerts - Show your support for the agents in your network with centralized social media posts for you to like, share, and comment on

    Sign up for Agent Intel and receive Agent Intel Connect for free!

    Harness the power of Agent Intel Connect in three simple steps:

    Text any agent's name to (844) 262-7034 to instantly receive a high-level snapshot of their production, along with a link for more details

    Click the link to explore the agent's transaction history, including loan originators they’ve worked with, primary loan types, additional agent connections, and key insights on their business

    Engage with the agent using relevant call scripts, smart email templates, and ready-to-send marketing bundles designed to create a lasting impression

    Learn more about Agent Connect here

    See what top performers say about Highway

    “I love all the information at my fingertips to complete social media posts in a minute or less.”
    Barbara G.
    “I love and am deeply grateful for the FREE content that ListReports provides. It is helping a beginner like me to establish a presence on social media. The content covers all the key points in a well-prepared presentation (for buyers and sellers) and the artwork is perfect.”
    Fernando F.
    “The resources provided by ListReports have been an incredible addition to our company. We really enjoy the graphics created by the hard-working team at ListReports.”
    Tiffany W.
    “This is boosting my profile and my business in tangible ways and I will continue to post these well drawn/written shareables!”
    Karen F.
    “I am just crazy about ListReports! Gives me so many great ideas for social media posts. Keep it coming!”
    Patrice M.
    “Your email is what I look forward to every morning. I use the information and article provided to create Reels on Instagram with my own spin of course - and one of them received over 25K views and hundreds of shares. Keep doing what you’re doing, and thank you for being so consistent with the information provided!”
    Valene S.
    “I have used ListReports for years and love the professional presentation of their reports and marketing materials. They are my go-to for content and Shareables for social media, as well as quality print presentations for my listings.”
    Sharon M.
    “ListReports is one of the best tools I have found to easily help create content and value for my agent partners.”
    Jason V.
    “MBS Highway is one of the best investments a mortgage professional can make.”
    Paul N.
    MBS Highway
    “The Social Studio tool has increased my business by 4-5 new leads a week through sending videos to my agent partners.”
    Neil C.
    MBS Highway
    "The knowledge MBS Highway provides has honestly made me a better loan officer during these crazy times, so I appreciate the content big time."
    Mike L.
    MBS Highway
    “MBS Highway is a game changer!"
    Tanner F.
    MBS Highway
    “I can't say thank you enough for the tools that MBS Highway offers. If you aren't using these tools, you are selling yourself and your clients short of some very useful information.”
    Dennis C.
    MBS Highway
    "I am a homebuyer who benefited from MBS Highway's advice. I locked my interest rate at 3.75% several weeks ago based on MBS Highway's advice. I have saved tens of thousands."
    Yvonne S.
    MBS Highway
    “I love MBS Highway! They have been instrumental in my success as a residential mortgage lender."
    Theresa V.
    MBS Highway
    “I'm a brand new mortgage originator and I need all the help I can get. I'm so glad I joined MBS Highway at the suggestion of my mentor. Thank you for all the information you put out to us! This is going to help me explain so much to my potential clients!”
    Trudy H.
    MBS Highway
    “Used the Bid Over Ask Tool to get a buyer to go $10K over asking price on a $225K purchase. This buyer was lowballing everything prior to this report. We now have an accepted offer! Love the tools we have on MBS Highway!”
    Jonathan W.
    MBS Highway
    “I just did a point analysis for a client and it assisted me in winning a $1M refinance from Chase on a SFR in Long Island. GREAT TOOL! True home run.”
    Harold S.
    MBS Highway
    "I love that MBS Highway never has me question the cost of my membership. Value is outstanding."
    Kimberly R.
    MBS Highway
    “Invaluable industry info every day!”
    Claire M.
    MBS Highway
    “MBS Highway puts out the best stuff. So thankful – best money I've spent.”
    Chris O.
    MBS Highway
    “I can't say thank you enough for the tools that MBS Highway offers. If you aren't using these tools you are selling yourself short and your clients short of some very useful information.”
    Dennis C.
    MBS Highway

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